Join the Speakers Bureau
The CFLS Speakers Bureau recruits women involved in the justice system and survivors of trauma who are yearning to tell their stories. By elevating the voices of people directly impacted by the most pressing social issues of our time, and by advocating for fair compensation on their behalf, CFLS is continually opening opportunities for survivors to be heard.

Speaker Training
The Speakers Bureau is a three-part program with a strong emphasis on learning and professional development, which consists of formal speaker training, professional coaching and/or therapy, and a practicum. Upon graduation, our Speakers are then eligible to contract for paid engagements.
The stigma of incarceration is deeply entrenched in our society, and we recognize that changing public perception – and our clients’ own limiting personal beliefs – takes a village. Our clients’ negative personal beliefs are often informed and exacerbated by the systemic prejudice rampant in our society. CFLS recognizes our opportunity to educate the community while breaking down stereotypes and opening a dialogue for understanding, healing and change.
Those accepted into the program are required to attend seven classes in total and are paid $25.00 per hour for 25 hours of training. The first session and the last session are unpaid. You will begin to accrue payments beginning classes 2-6. So that we can build the cohort experience, participation in the program requires that participants attend all classes, meetings and engagements. Payment is not made for missed classes. Once you have completed the training, participants are required to complete one unpaid practice engagement. Following a successful practice engagement you are eligible to receive paid speaking contracts.
Additionally, as part of the program participants, receive 5 hours of individualized coaching, therapy or mentorship, which is selected as part of the team of Speakers Bureau supports. These interactions are designed to create clarity and hone public speaking skills. The team of supports help accelerate progress by providing greater focus and awareness of where you want to be in the future. At the end of the program, participants are asked to participate in a focus group, interviews, and surveys designed to capture their experience so that we can continually improve the program. As a participant you also sharpen your literacy and presentation skills, all competencies that serve you in your personal and professional life.

Let's share our STORIES
Advisory Committee
The CFLS Speakers Bureau Advisory Committee is distinct from the actual governing Board of Directors of CFLS. This committee is charged with overseeing the CFLS Speakers Bureau and serve as ambassadors for the program.
Advisory Committee Members commit to the following:
Serving as ambassadors for the program
Identifying one paid speaking engagement per cohort
Participating in the selection process of candidates for the program
Identifying potential funding
Attending quarterly meetings
Partnering with the CFLS to support the overall strategic vision, messaging and branding of the organization