Housing Programs
CFLS provides a comprehensive continuum of transitional housing for homeless women and families; and single room housing for previously homeless adults with low income. We serve single women and women with children who have been released from prison or jail within the last year or are within four months of being released. These programs are part of our interconnected web of services providing a safe, secure, and supportive place to live while our clients receive the supports and services they need to rebuild their lives.
Milestone Place
Milestone Place was established as a single room occupancy (SRO) residence facility for previously homeless single adults with low income. Residents share common spaces including a lounge, dining areas, kitchens and bathrooms. We provide 24- hour security surveillance with an electronic front door. Through this location, CFLS provides affordable temporary housing for 35 single adults, many of whom are veterans in need of intensive case management. In addition to intensive case management, Milestone residents receive substance abuse counseling, relapse prevention support, employment counseling and access to emergency services. Through these services, we prepare Milestone residents to live fuller lives of self-empowerment and long-term sustainability.
For additional information about the Milestone program, including eligibility requirements, contact Tyrese Cox at tcox@cflsdc.org or 202-635-1744.
Trinity Arms
Trinity Arms provides apartment-style housing to reentry women and survivors of domestic violence. Clients must either have custody of their children or be working toward getting custody. Throughout this program, Trinity residents are paired with a case manager who provides intensive case management. Trinity clients have access to an array of supportive services including food and clothing, health and nutrition, life skills development, financial literacy and debt management, employment training and development, job placement, benefits assistance, therapy, and one-on-one parenting sessions.
Clients who are applying to Trinity Arms will be asked to provide supporting documentation related to the domestic violence they have experienced, such as a civil protection order or police report.
For additional information, please contact Jasmine Ferguson at jvice@cflsdc.org.
Reentry DBH Housing
This Housing program offers a continuum of housing services from incarceration directly to transitional housing and is designed to house, empower, and equip and support our reentry women who have a history of substance use. This program includes a bundle of services to support the women in residence. Women are allowed to live in this program for up to six months and the services include: individual case management, skill development, individual substance abuse counseling, and other supportive services. The goal is to transition women back into the community and prepare them to live on their own. CFLS also develops and maintains an extensive resource base for referrals to other programs and services in the community to meet any additional needs of the clients.
For additional information, please contact Sheryl Johnson-Pope at sjohnson-pope@cflsdc.org.
Reentry Emergency Housing
The Reentry Emergency Housing Program provides short-term (90-Day) housing to women who are at risk for homelessness after being released from incarceration. The goal of the program is to facilitate a smooth transition for women returning home from prison and to improve their chances of having a successful reentry experience through improved access to emergency housing opportunities. While in the program, participants will receive case management and other appropriate supportive services.
To make a referral, please contact Sheryl Johnson-Pope at sjohnson-pope@cflsdc.org.