HIV Prevention & Outreach
At Community Family Life Services, your health matters! Our HIV Prevention and Outreach Services department is committed to educating women and providing resources to maintain their physical and mental well-being. In addition to our comprehensive services, CFLS places condoms and HIV prevention literature outside of our main office for clients to take at their disposal.
Prevention Services
Our general services include, but are not limited to:
HIV 101 and Confidential Rapid HIV Testing (for walk-ins and by appointment)
Individual & group Health Education sessions with a Certified Health Education Specialist
Access to free condoms, dental dams, and feminine hygiene products
Assistance with linkages to services
In addition, we partner with organizations such as Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF), House of Ruth and Fairview Halfway House to conduct workshops on various health and mental health issues such as HIV 101, Self Esteem, Grief and Loss, Anger Management and How Comfortable Are You with Yourself. The women that access this service are incarcerated and/or part of the returning citizen’s population.
For more information about the Women’s Wellness - HIV Prevention and Outreach Services, contact Shelby Wallington at (202) 750-6024 or Swallington@cflsdc.org
Do you want a Quickie?
You can do it with your partner. You can do it on your lunch break. You can do it all over DC!
With the assistance of certified administrators, CFLS provides free HIV testing via OraQuick®. OraQuick® is the first FDA-approved oral swab in-home test. It is totally private and does not require blood. OraQuick® is based on the same HIV test that healthcare professionals have been using since 2004.
Safer Sex and Testing Parties

CFLS is dedicated to not only eliminating the HIV/AIDS stigma and promoting prevention, but also sustaining the lives of individuals living with HIV/AIDS. The CFLS Safer Sex and Testing Parties feature guest speakers who share comprehensive information about HIV/AIDS risk reduction and prevention in addition to HIV testing. We also provide free food, a live DJ, giveaways, games, safe sex demonstrations and more!
For more information or to sign up to be a vendor, please contact Shelby Wallington at (202) 750-6024 or swallington@cflsdc.org.

Medical Case Management
Community Family Life Services provides case management for individuals that are infected with HIV/AIDS, including returning citizens. Case managers help locate housing opportunities, manage treatment and medical care adherence, assist with client education and work with other programs in Washington, DC to facilitate a healthy transition to a state of self-sufficiency. In recent years, the D.C. Department of Health has put a lot of effort into its safe sex campaigns, particularly in HIV and AIDS prevention. While the city’s AIDS/HIV rates are rapidly declining, D.C. still has some of the highest STD rates in the country. So high, in fact, that D.C. “requires its own scale” due to its very high rate of STDs. Women in the criminal justice system are among the most disproportionately infected.
Through our Ryan White program, we serve individuals with HIV/AIDS by supporting them and addressing barriers to access services. Our general services include but are not limited to:
Treatment adherence counseling
Emergency financial assistance
Transportation assistance
Advocacy and coordination of care with medical providers
Mental health referrals
Housing and food assistance
Assistance with applying for income and benefits

We partner with Department of Housing and Urban Development to minimize the risk of homelessness, increase housing stability and promote general health and well-being of those living with HIV/AIDS. Through our Housing Opportunities for Persons Living with AIDS (HOPWA) program, we provide 18 individuals with transitional housing up to 18 months every year. This is in addition to the medical case management program’s general services.
For additional information about CFLS Medical Case Management programs contact Whitney Arkin at (202) 853-3098 or WarkinA@cflsdc.org.

Virtual Workshops
To continue to provide HIV/STD prevention and HIV 101, CFLS partners with the following agencies to provide virtual workshops:
House of Ruth