CFLS Speakers Bureau
The Community Family Life Services Speakers Bureau is a syndicate of women speaking professionally on their lived experiences. Through the Bureau, CFLS provides a platform for survivors of trauma such as domestic violence, human trafficking, and incarceration to learn public speaking skills, progress in their healing journey, and become agents of change. Members of the Speakers Bureau communicate their lived experiences to educate lawmakers, service providers, law enforcement, nonprofits, private organizations, and community stakeholders.
Check out our brochure here!

It's your turn to SPEAK
The project strives to achieve the following:
Participants earn an income and gain a valuable public speaking skill that aids them in their current and future goals.
Participants educate the community about the experience of how gender impacts their recovery from domestic violence, homelessness and incarceration.
Participants help dispel the myths and stereotypes about what it is like to survive and endure domestic violence, human trafficking, incarceration and homelessness and often times a conglomerate of all four.
Participants increase their confidence and accountability to act on their own ideas and decisions.
Participants begin to shape and strengthen an effective public speaking style.
Participants strengthen leadership skills, improve decision-making skills, and develop consciousness of external factors that may be impacting their personal and professional goals.
Training & Offerings
Members of the CFLS Speakers Bureau receive 35 hours of professionally administered public speaking and leadership training. During training, each participant also receives professional coaching, mentorship, or therapy designed to further support healing. Speakers Bureau members have continuous access to professional development trainings, support and guidance in preparing for engagements, networking events, and linkages to paid speaking opportunities.
Virtual Offerings
The Speakers Bureau uses a hybrid model functioning in person and virtually by connecting trained members with lived experience to virtual events, meetings and seminars in order to continue to share their messaging and present as guest and keynote speakers.
Our Annual MORE THAN Conference, a survivor-led event which brings together people with lived experience, practitioners, and researchers to discuss pressing issues affecting reentry women and survivors of domestic violence. For more information, please visit:
We offer monthly support group sessions hosted by our Speakers Bureau members for the community.

For Organizations
The Speakers Bureau offers trainings to outside organizations and corporate settings on the following topics:
Intersection of Domestic Violence & Incarceration (Introductory & Advanced)
Workplace Inclusion for Reentry Women
Workplace Inclusion for Survivors of Domestic Violence
The Criminalization of Trafficking Survivors
Abridged Speakers Bureau: A Speaking Training for Clients
Elements of a Speakers Bureau: A Guide to Implementing a Trauma-Informed Training Program for Service Providers
Additionally, The Speakers Bureau staff offer fee-for-service consultation to organizations that are starting their own speaking programs. Our consultation includes providing trauma-informed speaker training for your clients, skills based educational workshops, and technical support. We offer long-term supportive partnerships or provide short workshops.
Whatever stage you are in developing your program, we can help you take it to the next level and support your clients’ journey into public speaking in a sensitive, client-centered way. Let’s talk about your needs.
To book a training or explore pricing, please contact 202-347-0511.